Wednesday, October 22, 2008

race: a factor.

This article from media matters is interesting because it addresses the race issue, though a little different than some of the videos we've seen from the mccain/palin side. Guest on Bill Cunningham's show Rev. Jesse Jackson Peterson spoke about how black people are racist, siting the example of Colin Powell who must have simply endorsed Obama simply because he is black. And that may have had something to do with his endorsement, but why does that always have to be the major focus. Couldn't Powell have seen, from the inside, the republican candidacy and perhaps think we need a democrat to change it? I mean it doesnt have to be becasue of race. Peterson goes on to discuss how Obama will make America a socialist country and that's all that blacks want: to rely on the government becasue they dont want to work. Generalization a little?? Sure he said most, not all.. most, but still that is pretty harsh, because I know there are a lot of white people who wont get up off their lazy bums. And then Peterson talks about abortion and how Obama and Powell support abortion. I dont really want to get into that too much here, but it reminds me of the debate when Mccain kept using the word "pro-abortion." now i dont know one person who is pro-abortion. Pro-choice, a womens' right to choose etc. I know race is inevitably going to be a factor in this election, but can someone choose a candidate for issues over race, or dislike a candidate over issues rather than race. Its heartbreaking to see the videos we saw in class, the hatred. I guess America hasnt come as far as we all thought.

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