Thursday, October 9, 2008

failing to report it all..

This article from media matters states that the CBS Evening News, Fox news the LiveDesk, and Politico all noted Cindy McCain's attack on Obama stating that he did not vote for more funding for troops in Afghanistan and Iraq. She commented that he didnt vote for mroe funding while her son was serving over there. However, all of these news station failed to provide the fact that John Mccain did not vote for more funding either. Although the candidates voted against the funding for different reasons, Obama for the lack of timetable for troops, and mccain for the troop withdrawl within the bill, either way, both are "guilty" of not wanting more funding for the troops.

As journalists, we are supposed to report the truths of what we know, and cannot be biased. yes, Cindy mccain did not bring up the fact that he husband didnt vote to fund her son, but that isnt her job, she is trying to get her husband elected. Journalists, however, are supposed to report all of the information, as balanced and objective as they can. Whether they meet this or not, if information is known, they should report on it. And find out more information through investigating. News organizations cant just report on what they hear from cindy mccain, without telling both sides and balancing the story. cindy's response is not the news aspect of the story, the news aspect is reporting that both candidates have voted against the funding bill.. and why.

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