Wednesday, October 29, 2008

obama commercial

I could only catch the last maybe 10 minutes of Obama's 30-minute commercial. I have to say I was unsure exactly how it would go, but I think the commercial did a good job of connecting people to him. I think from the beginning Obama has been scrutinized for being inexperienced and says a bunch of nothing, so he really tried to show his leadership, especially when citizens came on who were struggling financially etc.. and he was showing how he would help and his strengths in certain areas. As much as Obama has been a popular candidate, I think that with Palin entering this race, she has been the one whos personality is catching people's attention. Her "common man" "outsider" appeal is giving her a lot of attention and possibly swinging votes. And so, From what I saw of the commercial, Obama was trying to use his personality and show he is not the "elitist." I think this commercial was important for Obama becasue in he debates he had always seemed to be on the defensive, as McCain did seem to attack him. And so i think it was imoportant that he could go on and tell us his story, his policies, and how he is qualified to be presidnet, without the interruption of media punditry or mccain attacking him right away. I liked how he brought it back to live in Florida, because Florida is going to be a big state to win in this election. I wish I could have caught the whole thing, but I know it will be posted online somewhere.

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