Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Mark Finkelstein

I enjoyed our guest today. I think he did a great job of expressing his views on good reporting done in the mainstream media outlets. I think it is always nice to have a different opinion and view in the classroom, a conservative view, even if we all dont agree. One thing, though, that I really was confused about personally, was his comment on Sarah Palin when asked what he thought about her being qualified. He said, "in a pinch" Plain over Biden. And that just strikes me as absurd. "In a pinch" is not something we should be saying about VP qualifications. And then he said he would rather have her inexperience and ignorance/uninformed in the office over Biden who is completely informed has expericen, knows what is going on with the issues, but has made a few mistakes. Are we going to say mistakes are always bad, becasue I'm sure we could go on and discuss mistakes made by every president before going into office. I think I'm just surprised that he would take an unqualified person for office rather than someone who has had years and years of experience.

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