Thursday, November 6, 2008

what's next for Palin??

the defeat may not hold back Palin. She was greeted in Alaska with shout-outs of Palin 2012.. even people wearing t-shirts. Now, as much as i would like another historic moment of a woman elected president, I'm not sure Palin is the one to acheive that. In an MSNBC article, a conservative Hoover institute fellow said that we have been looking for Mr. RIght but maybe we need Ms. Right. In my opinion, I think she hurt McCain in the race. He needed a very right-wing running mate, and having a charasmatic woman helped him, but I think her uninformed, inexperience really hurt her and mccain as a president. I'm not trying to say she has no qulaities that would make a good politician, but a president?? i dont know. maybe we'll see her and clinton head to head in 2012..? That only being if Obama doesnt pull through the way we all hope and think he will..

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