Thursday, November 6, 2008

the obama win.. can he deliver?

The night of election day, people were ecstatic. People were screaming in the streets, on the television in all of the cities, and here on IC campus as well. Students care so much about this election, ready for change and really passionate (for the first in a very long time) about a candidate. But now that the day is over and we have a winner, i think we are wondering if Obama will stick to his words. In a MSNBC article out from AP, was saying that the campiagning is over and now Obama is facing the reality. There are tough things ahead. he mentioned this in his speech, that it will be a long road ahead. And we know he hasn't taken office yet, but our minds are filled with "change." Will this country change? Can we? Will Obama be the one to really make this change? As far as th election goes, I feel just our country electing a black president is a sign of change. It is historic and possibly the real start of big change with policies, foreign relations and economy. Obama has a big to-do list ahead of him, and I hope he can maintain the passion from the youth and his supporters, and gain the rest who may not believe in him just yet.

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