Monday, November 10, 2008

absurd view..

an article in media matters covered The View's discussion of Proposition 8. Elisabeth Hasselbeck saying a Sweden Priest was jailed for not wanting to perform a same-sex marriage. The women on the show were discussing how religious officiant's would be prosecuted for the "discrimination" aspect of not performing the same-sex marriages. But in fact, the court itself made it clear that religious officials would not be punished for their beliefs. Regardless of feelings of amending the Constitution for same-sex or bans etc, what I think it is interesting and important is The View's role as a credible media outlet. For it is no longer looked at as this talk show, with women bantering back and forth about pop culture or relationships, they discuss real issues and it is taken seriously. It is almost viewed like real journalism to many Americans. This Proposition 8 is just one example of the kinds of discussions they have on the show. But the fact that Media Matters is refuting claims and discussing it alongside articles debunking Fox News' false claims really says something about The View's influence in media now. As we have been writing our reflective pieces on the election, we have seen such a huge change in how the media works in terms of influence. People look at The View or The Daily SHow for information and for discussion/analysis. And false claims made on those shows need to be addressed as well, just as in any newscast or credible news report.

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