Monday, November 10, 2008


This article from media matters is really interesting.. and shows just how absurd these media pundits are.. and how they influence voters. First of all, i walked into one of my classes the day after the election, and i overhear one of my classmates sort of sighing and says to one of his friends something like.. yay Americans.. we voted for an Arab president.. a socialist. Now, if class wasnt about to begin, I would have sais something to him.. But this is exactly the kind of thing I thought college students would be able to understand and be informed about. yet, with the media consistently addressing these issues as the truth, some people are bound to finally accept the claims they hear over and over again. Anyways, Fox News had consistently claimed Obama was gonna distribute the wealth, he is a socialist etc.. but now that he is in the office.. he is been running as a "fiscal conservative." Like, they are very opposite, and rediculous that in a two week time, Obama could flip from one to the other.. and still win. Yet, it is on the news.. something people view as credible. Bozell on Fox claimed Obama will never get any left-wing policies done, becasue that isnt the kind of campiagn he ran on... well if he didnt run a left-wing campaign.. and you calimed before he was pushing socialist policies.. what kinda of campiagn did he run on? contradictory.. and i dont like it.

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