Monday, November 10, 2008


this is the link to the article discussed in my last post.


This article from media matters is really interesting.. and shows just how absurd these media pundits are.. and how they influence voters. First of all, i walked into one of my classes the day after the election, and i overhear one of my classmates sort of sighing and says to one of his friends something like.. yay Americans.. we voted for an Arab president.. a socialist. Now, if class wasnt about to begin, I would have sais something to him.. But this is exactly the kind of thing I thought college students would be able to understand and be informed about. yet, with the media consistently addressing these issues as the truth, some people are bound to finally accept the claims they hear over and over again. Anyways, Fox News had consistently claimed Obama was gonna distribute the wealth, he is a socialist etc.. but now that he is in the office.. he is been running as a "fiscal conservative." Like, they are very opposite, and rediculous that in a two week time, Obama could flip from one to the other.. and still win. Yet, it is on the news.. something people view as credible. Bozell on Fox claimed Obama will never get any left-wing policies done, becasue that isnt the kind of campiagn he ran on... well if he didnt run a left-wing campaign.. and you calimed before he was pushing socialist policies.. what kinda of campiagn did he run on? contradictory.. and i dont like it.

absurd view..

an article in media matters covered The View's discussion of Proposition 8. Elisabeth Hasselbeck saying a Sweden Priest was jailed for not wanting to perform a same-sex marriage. The women on the show were discussing how religious officiant's would be prosecuted for the "discrimination" aspect of not performing the same-sex marriages. But in fact, the court itself made it clear that religious officials would not be punished for their beliefs. Regardless of feelings of amending the Constitution for same-sex or bans etc, what I think it is interesting and important is The View's role as a credible media outlet. For it is no longer looked at as this talk show, with women bantering back and forth about pop culture or relationships, they discuss real issues and it is taken seriously. It is almost viewed like real journalism to many Americans. This Proposition 8 is just one example of the kinds of discussions they have on the show. But the fact that Media Matters is refuting claims and discussing it alongside articles debunking Fox News' false claims really says something about The View's influence in media now. As we have been writing our reflective pieces on the election, we have seen such a huge change in how the media works in terms of influence. People look at The View or The Daily SHow for information and for discussion/analysis. And false claims made on those shows need to be addressed as well, just as in any newscast or credible news report.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


the Drudge Report may be falling off as the credible, truthful media outlet. According to an article from Media Matters, Drudge has his own efforts in reporting, stating false information, and misrepresentations that benefit his arguments. And maybe Drudge's influence is waning... I dont know, but i think Drudge was such an influencial media, people have looked up to him a areporter, whether or not it is a little biased. But, if he states falsehoods left and right, we cannot trust him and let himinfluence us.

what's next for Palin??

the defeat may not hold back Palin. She was greeted in Alaska with shout-outs of Palin 2012.. even people wearing t-shirts. Now, as much as i would like another historic moment of a woman elected president, I'm not sure Palin is the one to acheive that. In an MSNBC article, a conservative Hoover institute fellow said that we have been looking for Mr. RIght but maybe we need Ms. Right. In my opinion, I think she hurt McCain in the race. He needed a very right-wing running mate, and having a charasmatic woman helped him, but I think her uninformed, inexperience really hurt her and mccain as a president. I'm not trying to say she has no qulaities that would make a good politician, but a president?? i dont know. maybe we'll see her and clinton head to head in 2012..? That only being if Obama doesnt pull through the way we all hope and think he will..

the obama win.. can he deliver?

The night of election day, people were ecstatic. People were screaming in the streets, on the television in all of the cities, and here on IC campus as well. Students care so much about this election, ready for change and really passionate (for the first in a very long time) about a candidate. But now that the day is over and we have a winner, i think we are wondering if Obama will stick to his words. In a MSNBC article out from AP, was saying that the campiagning is over and now Obama is facing the reality. There are tough things ahead. he mentioned this in his speech, that it will be a long road ahead. And we know he hasn't taken office yet, but our minds are filled with "change." Will this country change? Can we? Will Obama be the one to really make this change? As far as th election goes, I feel just our country electing a black president is a sign of change. It is historic and possibly the real start of big change with policies, foreign relations and economy. Obama has a big to-do list ahead of him, and I hope he can maintain the passion from the youth and his supporters, and gain the rest who may not believe in him just yet.

Monday, November 3, 2008

interesting to note..

On c-span, they were showing a debate from mccain from earlier today and he was discussing obama's mass amounts of spending in political ads. Mccain said something like, everytime we see an ad we turn the channel or mute it or something. And to me that is such a rude and awful thing to say. As much as he may not like Obama';s policies or want to hear obama attack him, stating in a speech that he always turns the channel is so rude and makes lose respect for him as a person. Everytime I see mccain he is so aggresive and agitated, and it comes off as a really arrogant and disrespectful person. At least Obama has poise and respect and really calm appearance, even when he needs to be defensive against mccain's attacks. I'm so tired of these attacks and just horrible remarks from both candidates and these campaigns. yay fro tomorrow! and yay for it to be over (though i really did enjoy this class and follwoing this election, thought it is very tiresome. :) )

horserace til the end...

as the last campaigning day comes to an end, poll numbers, fancy maps, and horserace coverage are the highlights. It just seems like the leads and numbers are what will maybe help some undecided voters make up their mind in the last hours. We have heard debates, attack ads, issues, but now its the last leg, where citizens will decide the fate of America. But the media never stops. They are going to push the polls til the last minutes of election day, with who is in the lead and who looks like the winner, even early on in the day. But the thing is, people want that. And as much as I wasnt more issue covering during the campiagn and we saw more horserace than issues, people are really excited about this election. Polls grab people in, especially on election day. So at this point int he election, more covering of the issues will not matter. The campaigns did their part, and we are ready for this election cycle to be finished.