Wednesday, September 17, 2008

npr not noting distortions

why are pretty reliable sources not stating falsehoods? I understand the FoxNews and MSNBC partisanships and biases. And not that I think they are good etc., but we accept them for what they are. At least at this point, we know the swing they have to one side or another, and as much as I dont think news media should angle a story a certain way, npr as a means of information seems to be a more credible option to get a balanced--or somewhat more balanced information. But, in reading articles like this, we see that they are not telling the accuracies of the information. As in the Wash. Post article that printed the assertions without telling the falsehoods in them, even when knowing the truth. It's absurd. And I am glad that we have organizations like that of media matters to tell us the truths and actual news of the day. How can you be a journalist and give false information. The comments from Obama in McCain's ad were distorted and taken out of context. It is the job of a journalist to point out the falsehoods, and we hardly ever see that happening.

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